What Are the Benefits of Wood Blinds?

If you’re hunting for the perfect blinds for your home, but you’re not sure which material to choose, wood should be one of the top contenders. Wood blinds are stylish, energy efficient, and durable. A consultant from Knox Blinds can tell you more about the benefits of wood blinds. Keep reading to learn more!

Reasons to Choose Wood Blinds

Wood blinds have a timeless appearance that can complement any living space. Their attractive grain patterns can be stained or painted in a wide range of colors to enhance the aesthetics of the room where they’re installed.

Homeowners often find their utility bills rising because of air leakage through and around windows. Wood is an excellent insulator. Blinds made from wood can reduce air leakage so you won’t have to use your furnace or air conditioner more than necessary. That can keep your utility costs in check.

Blinds made from wood are durable and can resist damage better than some other types of window treatments can. If you have pets or young children, wood blinds are an excellent choice. Wood blinds are also light in weight and easy to raise and lower.

Faux wood blinds are another option worth considering. They resemble real wood blinds so closely that it’s virtually impossible to tell the difference.

Faux wood blinds offer benefits that aren’t available from real wood blinds. They’re made with composite materials, which makes them more durable than real wood. Faux wood is more resistant to moisture, which makes faux wood blinds a good choice for areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. In addition, faux wood blinds can stand up to dramatic changes in temperature.

If price is a determining factor, faux wood blinds may be a better option for you than real wood blinds. With faux wood, you’ll get the attractive appearance of wood, plus other benefits, at a lower cost than what you’d pay for authentic wood blinds.

Schedule a Consultation to Learn More about the Benefits of Wood Blinds

At Knox Blinds, we understand that window treatments are a significant investment and that choosing the right ones can be challenging. That’s why we offer free in-home consultations. You’ll be able to look at samples of the wood blinds we offer, learn more about their features and benefits, and ask questions. Call (865)544-8339 today to make an appointment!

benefits of wood blinds