Where to Find Blinds That Let Light in but Block the View

When people are searching for new window treatments for their home or business, they’re generally concerned about two things: controlling the amount of light that enters a room and protecting the privacy of people who use the building. Knox Blinds offers a wide range of options when it comes to window treatments. One of our consultants can meet with you to discuss your needs and help you find blinds that let light in but block view!

blinds that let light in but block view

Why the Size of the Slats Is Important

When selecting blinds, you should focus on the size of the slats. That will have a direct impact on both the amount of light that can get in and the level of privacy the blinds can provide. You’ll have to find window treatments that offer the right balance to suit your needs.

Blinds with wide slats can let in more light than blinds with narrow slats. If your primary goal is to find window treatments that will let in plenty of natural light, blinds with wide slats can be a good choice.

The tradeoff is that blinds with wide slats can make it easy for people outside your home or business to see inside. That might be a concern if you’re looking for window treatments for a bedroom or bathroom or for a room where you keep valuables that you don’t want to be in plain view. If you would like to let some light in, but you’re more focused on keeping others from seeing inside your home or business, you’ll be better off with blinds that have narrow slats.

Meet with a Consultant to Find Blinds That Let Light in but Block View

Knox Blinds offers an impressive selection of window treatments, including blinds with slats in various sizes. You also have several options when it comes to materials. We sell blinds made with real and faux wood, as well as aluminum.

A consultant can meet with you to show you samples of our blinds, discuss your goals, and help you select the right window treatments for your home or business. Contact us today at (865) 544-8339 to schedule a consultation at a time that fits your schedule!